the coordinates I gave in my last post are incorrect; here are the correct ones for the A-4 vein.
151050 S
74 26 05 W
The C-1 TO C-5 VEINS are at coordinates;
15 10 23 S
74 26 21 W
The coordinates for the new found N-1 vein are approx;
15 09 58 S
74 25 53 W
Anyone looking at the Photo section new surface 3D anomaly map, There is a blue spot right below the letters C and H in the word Canchete, that is the C veins 1-4. You will notice that there is no 3D anomaly there yet. We had samples taken from this blue spot down to 100m at over 5ozs/ton.
The A-4 vein is the blue spot to the top right of the little red spot on the middle left part of the giant anomaly.
The N-1 VEIN IS approx half way between the uppermost extent of the giant anomaly and the white border.
Here is the direct link to the photo;
Check out the black lines on this photo, they are you main faults and fractures that bring the gold up from the depths. Your ancient volcano lies just to the left of the word Zona Canchete.