Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: The Nice Thing About being a Shareholder

Yes, it's your hard earned capital that is at risk. But on the up-side, you have others working hard on your behalf. Place your money into the right venture, have hard, smart working management. And your money grows.

We have gold. We are actively determining how much. The early numbers look great! The hi-tech science says there could be a huge amount more. This is the right venture.

Lori and company are progressing this venture in a logical, methodical manner. When a better idea of what potential Tesoro held, a vast track of additional land was staked. No doubt, our neighbours staked theirs on account of ours.

Corporately, we are positioning to take on the expansion that this project needs to come to fruition.

We have a super detailed geophysical analysis of our property and I'm sure our technical people are compiling all the sampling and T24 information into a more complete understanding of Tesoro. Soon we will be ready to drill and I rest comfortable knowing we will have our permits in hand when we are ready to do so.

All this is being done for me. I, and many others bought some shares and have many managers, employees, consultants, contractors and professionals working on my / our behalf. Isn't capitalism wonderful.

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