Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Aurealian

We are trying to show people exactly what we may have in SLI. SLI has the potential to be way bigger than Aurealian. The small investors didn,t know the potential of Aurealian and many small guys missed out on one of the greatest money makers on the TSX. The smart anaysts knew what they were looking at in the early days of Aurealian, BUT, the small guy didn,t.

We are changing that here with SLI, by presenting all the evidence that is in plain sight to the little guys, so this probable opportunity of a life time is shared by many small guys, rather than the greedy big guys that dont tell the small investor about their great prospects until after they are loaded up with shares and the stock has started to move quickly.

We are experiencing games by some smart guys with the sp to accumulate shares to this effect. DONT let them shake any shares out of you. Hold on to your shares tight, they will be worth many multiples from where we sit now. There really is not enough floating shares for the greedy guys to get, without pushing the sp real high, real quick. So they worry and tease these shares out of oblivious people, all the time accumulating as much as they can and getting ready for the big run.

I suggest that if there is anyone reading this that is flipping SLI daily for pennies, to STOP. You will most likely get a greater reward by keeping those trading shares out of commission and supporting your stock. It is impossible to time the market 100% correctly on a daily basis, but when you do an over time average with SLI, you will see that its much more profitable to HOLD every share you have. It pushes the sp up quicker and lends strong support adding more value to your long position. I dont know if I am getting my point across clearly here, I am not a good explainer.

Long story short, Dont sell a share and look at all the amazing facts we are giving you here at Agoracom. This should be a no brainer.

Mar 11, 2011 10:52AM
Mar 11, 2011 03:03PM
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