Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: message to the board

As everyone knows, Hog, Kemo and I are moderators of this board. Its impossible for us to make a decision thats gonna have 100% support from the board. I know and understand what some of you mean when you say you like to hear both sides. I do too. But there is a line that occasionally gets crossed, thats the time to back off and let it go. We leave most posts here, including Charlieboys and GEER1,S, but when persistent remarks disrupt the board, we must act. If we don,t, it spirals out of control and this board will not function as the majority would like it to.

Hog and I usually discuss by phone when we have violations to deal with in the past. Kemo is now a hub leader and will be consulted also in the future. We are only human also, but we have rules here at Agoracom that helps us make our decisions. If its something bad about the company that is backed by fact, it belongs here on this forum to keep every investor of SLI informed. If its something bad about SLI and it is not backed by fact, it doesnt belong here.

The purpose of this board is for SLI investors to share info and discuss their investment. Its great to see how our community has grown with so many new posters that bring their contributions to the board. I also see posters here bringing more and more DD to the forum all the time as well as contributers becoming more impressive in their DD. I see posters here learning more things about investing and willing to share with the rest of us, thats a good thing. This board is a growing wealth of information and I beleive everyone here wants to see it continuously grow. I have watched posters here grow, that is also a good feeling, its showing the board is helping others.

We may have something really great here in SLI. It has not been proven yet, but a lot of things are pointed that way right now. We are having a long wait on the permit and that strains on everyone. Thats to be expected. So really, all we can do is try to keep our spirits up and find more of that hard to find patience. If we keep together and keep discussing new things about the company, we will be learning more and it may make time pass a little quicker.

I am proud of this board.

Thanks to all the posters here for making this board what it is today.


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