Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: st james


I appreciate the response. It just frustrates me as I see all the hard work and DD that everyone on this board does, bids are starting to build, hype is getting larger and larger, PM is back from Peru possibly with permit news, very bullish signs again today and then I come home from work and check the insider trading and we lost 34,000 shares from insiders.

I am long on SLI and have not sold a share since I bought in over a year ago. In fact I have been buying in small portions whenever I can as I have done my DD and see this enormous potential. So, with everything pointing to the sky being the limit...why on earth would an insider be selling??? We talk about how the share price is being manipulated and we have to watch out for shorters (28,517 as of March 15th, 2011), well maybe we should be watching out for Allan St. James. He sold more than all of the shorters combined...just today! I know that he is a geologist; however can someone more informed than I please explain his "role" within the company? Thanks.


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