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Message: Comparison to set expectations and/or timing

Good Morning Folks,

There has been much chatter around timing and sp, so I thought I would identifty a company we can compare SLI with. There is a company called Continental Gold Compnay (CNL). Here is some clips from their news release highlights that moved the sp along with the date stamps.

  • June 3/10 - 2.70 , beginning drilling program
  • August 9/10 - 3.60, release peliminary drilling results
  • August 30/10 - 5.20, halted stock pending news
  • August 31/10 - 5.50, news of drills 14m of 445g/t and a PP of 57 million @ 5.70
  • Sept 16/10 - 6.35, closed 68.4 million PP
  • Nov 10/11 - 7.00, financial reports released
  • Nov 24/10 - 9.74, drills 17 of 113g/t
  • Nov 26/10 - 10.36, anaylist pegs CNL @ $13 stock.
  • March 3/11 - 10.19, drills continue and result issued 1.7m of 52g/t
  • May 4/11 - 8.45, drills 10m of 44g/t

Look at there chart it and evaluate the details for yourself. They had originally had very good drill results then they tappered off a little (good gold values but no interval depth). They are presently 18% off their 52 week high (with gold skyrocketing - doesn't make sense either).

Anyways if nothing else, it will show you a real life company and how fast the sp can move when good results and progress takes place within a calender year.

Go Long....... Bring on the drill rigs and the buying!!

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