My first post here. Must thank everyone for all the great info. I've been invested for going on seven years now since the days when the Portugese property was supposed to be the big one and nobody knew what the Tesoro held. I bought in healthily the first time and thankfully I bought in again a year ago New Years. I've been on all the sp rides and now finally....we have a real drill permit with a very real target in the sights of our drills. I think I can wait a little longer.
I am no seasoned stock investor but having stuck this one out I've learned a whole bunch of stuff thanks to people like Hogtown, Sculpin, Bow2u, Kemo and the others of their ilk. I think that many people invest in stocks on 'hot tips' believing that they will see results overnight and then become impatient when there is no movement. SLI has most definitely taught me patience and good things like actually knowing how Stop Loss will work against you.
Anyways, just thought that this news was good enough for me to ring in and say thanks.
I'll go back to my spot in the corner and listen and watch again. Consider my another of the silent majority of Longs.