Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Report--DV Beer & Bull

Good Day To All;

We had a great session last nite in Drayton Valley with 33 in attendance. Murry and Alice put on a stellar performance and depiction of our Starship St Elias. ( Thought you might like that decription Garth Edmonton 44 Vader)

Anyway, even though I was a little dissapointed in the people who spoke for seats and then did not show, the positive part is that close to half in attendance were NEW INVESTORS. The other half were seasoned investors anxious to meet Murry, Alice and other fellow investors, and see if there was any new news. NOPE--Nuthin New Yet.

After the presentation, we all mixed and had a few beers, and discussed informally what Murry gave on the presentation. Statements such as ---AWESOME INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY---CAN'T MISS---GETTING RID OF ALL MY OTHER STOCKS AND PUTTING ALL FUNDS INTO SLI---WHERE DO I GET SHARES--THANKS FOR THE INVITE, I'M IN --ETC were just some of the comments I heard.

Murry must have been impressed as well, cuz after the crowd thinned out he told me ---any time you want to bring even half that amount of people together---lets do another presentation. These people recognize a good opportunity, and are willing to invest in our company.

There were quite a few that did not show, called and apologised, and said "me and my business associates are investing anyway---just give me the stock ticker"

These B&Bs are what St Elias is about anyway---common people telling other common people ---"I know of a good investment --if you are interested, come to a meeting" They then listen to the facts and possibilities --and make up their own mind.

I can point anyone to an opportunity, but its up to them to take it. St Elias is that opportunity, and Murry presents it very well. There were a lot of people at last nites meeting that are taking that opportunity today.

Thanks to all that promoted and supported our B&B and be sure and tell your family & friends about SLI, cuz its no fun celebrating alone.


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