This is showing us partly what they are trying to do with the trenching. To see how far they can follow some of these veins to see if they are connected. Where you see the gaps of no samples on the maps, this is partly the reason, the overburden has covered those areas due to the volcanics. It should be reasonable to beleive that this system is all connected under the volcanics.
Below is from Brophy,s report.
The mineralized quartz veins at Teroro have a typical pinch-and-swell structure
referred to as “estructura rosario” (rosary-bead structure) in Peruvian literature.
The amplitude of the pinch-swell structures on the Tesoro property is not
known, as there is always some doubt whether the disappearance of a vein
structure signifies a “pinch-out”, or an interval where colluvial deposits obscure
the vein.
About 20% of the Chance 1 claim is underlain by felsic volcaniclastics of the
Tertiary Sencca Formation. These unconformably overlie the Cretaceous
intrusive rocks and occur mainly in two northeast- to east-northeast-trending
belts. These volcanic belts are probably shallow remnants filling valleys of the
Cretaceous paleotopography. The northern belt separates Zona Canchete from
Zona Central and the southern belt separates Zona Central from Zona Sur. The
Sencca volcanics, which comprise light-colored ash and crystal tuff, are not cut
by the aforementioned dikes or quartz veins, thus signifying that the age of gold
mineralization is post Tiabaya Superunit and pre volcanic. Consequently, it is
most likely that gold-bearing quartz veins are connected beneath shallow
volcanic cover between Zona Canchete and Zona Central, and between Zona
Central and Zona Sur.