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Message: Just a couple of thoughts

Greatpost my2cents,

I would like to add some of my thoughts/comments.

I dont know how the company arrived at this being a mesothermal system, but I beleive them when they say that. The many faults and fractures related to the mineralization can be one way to make that assumption. Geochemistry, is about the best way, IMO. You can study the zircons, along with the other metals present in the veins, to tell you if plate tectonics played a part in this mineralisation. If plate tectonics were mixed with the deposition, then bingo, mesothermal confirmed. Here is a little piece on the study of zircons and how this can be applied to temperature and age;


The sulphides you speak of, are high in the C-1 area. Thats what lights up the Quantec around those couple smaller anomalies there. One sample taken from there during the tech report had 11% iron content. The importance of this higher iron/sulphide content, is that the gold grades seem to correspond with the sulphide percentages, ie; as the percentage goes up for one, so does the other. Its only reasonable to see this, because the top 50m or so of the soil has been oxidized, meaning that a lot of these iron sulphides would have decayed near the surface. This depends mostly on the porosity of the host rock and over burden, the more porous, the more decay. It is also worthy to note, that sulphides form in mostly the same favourable conditions as gold, and sulfides are used as a gold indicator in a lot of instances.

When keeping the above in mind, look at the A-4 vein and the composition of other metals in the samples. The sulphide content is a lot lower in these samples although there are bonanza pods of gold in them. By looking at the samples here, a reliable ratio between the sulphide content and gold cannot be established. There appears to be 2 reasons for that, 1) the host rock and soil is more porous 2) the mineral composition of the vein is different than that of the C-1. Here at the A-4, it appears the dominant metal is gold, if thats indicative of the anomaly below, well hello....

It was my opinion awhile ago, that the C-1 vein system was an epithermal system, lying on top and separate from a mesothermal system, maybe reaching down to 300m or so. I have changed my mind on this after the tech report came out with the Quantec slides. With what I have to work with, it now shows the C-1 vein being connected to a smaller anomaly below, AND WHAT APPEARS to be a connection from that, to the giant anomaly at a greater depth. The geochemistry I spoke of would come in handy here in making this important distinction.

I wish I had all the info they have at the office to go over , then things would be less assumptious on my part when trying to draw an analysis. There is important info not in the tech report on sampling. I don,t know if it was not available at the time of the report, or it was never done. I suspect the former. But, its little pieces of the puzzle missing, that prevents anyone from making a full conclusion. I suspect this may be done for good reason.

This is all in my opinion!

We dont have the full 3D YET, and I can understand why. There are so many targets and where they blend together and separate, the full 3D would undoubtedly be a mess, thats why they only gave us these first 3 anomalies to look at, they are the biggest and most important. There is also some sort of huge anomaly in the NW corner of the property that the company hasn,t mentioned yet. This anomaly is also impressive enough that it will probably be mentioned sometime down the road.

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