Endless! Spoken like a true trader, But I'll have to pass on that line of reasoning simply because there are numerous articles written on how a huge majorite of traders never make any money and in fact lose at the end of the year. I don't have a good enough crystal ball to make those kind of predictions. For me, my curious nature makes me wonder what the reasoning behind shorting is and if in fact its working to their benefit or if their just beating themselves on the side of the head by trying to keep tabs on 30+ stocks at the same time. Don't confuse my interest in shorters with fear. The share price from day to day means little to me . Yes its nice to see it climb steady but the end product will tell the tale. I'm confident that we have a mine, just need to know how big and I'm certainly not going to risk 500,000 shares on chance. But then again,,, thats just me.