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Message: Great news

I think it was great news. Lori and crew are working so hard at proving the first claims at Tesaro. They will benifit greatly by having another company (Lori's other) spending dollars to help make US SLI shareholders some value remember the release said we we still hold 40% and a net smelter rolyalty. This is how companys with great potential begin to grow into massive profit making machines. (subject to a 1.5% NSR) thats huge for SLI share holders on a massive depossit. Bow could give us an example if he so chooses to help. So we get more cash to put into our Tesaro. More drill rigs if Lori wants just a (thought). I did not bold this it appears bold becuse I copied the Net Royalty. Now everything appears in same darkness.

More dollars to spend with no dilution. Still own 40% of new claims, able to receive NSR. before the new claims were just sitting there not getting any work done on them. Tesaro will be a huge mine IMHO on just the Zona central anomally not to mention all the veins and new diseminated gold areas that were trenched. We are waiting on those results still as well. We got 4 other zones to play with after that . Not including the new claims. My hats off to Lori for such a well timed strategic move. While drilling the crap out of part of it getting the other part proved up at the same time. Costing her the same amount as dollars that it would to do nothing with the new part of Tesaro claims they got in Oct of 2010. This way they dont have to sell the whole Tesaro by freely including the undiscovered potential on new Tesaro!


Mr. Hobbes

God bless all!

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