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Message: Question regarding the release of sample results

I am under the impression that we MAY be in talks with a buyer. I say this because it appears to me that the only way to with hold material info from the public is if you are in negotiations OR the material info is detrimental to the company, which in each case, it is accepted by the SEC to allow more time on the disclosure time of info. The material info; for example; 100% ownership of the Vilcoro was a significant material change. This is/was really good news, yet it was not disclosed in an NR. So, I suspect the reasons for with holding info are GOOD reasons.

So, you are correct in saying that further assays/results can be withheld from the public under the Timely Disclosure Policy. Its possible, if she is in talks, that we will see NO assays or results and be hit with an unsuspected offer, at ANYTIME. We could have an offer tomorrow, OR 6 months from now. I saw on BNN ontime, where a company was in talks for over a year, before an offer became public.

Hog and I were doing some detective work, with the little available public info we have to work with, and came to a conclusion that around sometime last summer was when material info seemed to be held back. We also concluded that shortly after that time, our legal representation changed to a more distinguished firm, McElhanny was contracted to start downloading all property info into a data base and keep inputting the data as new data became available, plus a couple other milestones.

It has been my opinion last year, that a major need only see the Quantec which was finished last June or so to make an offer OR become very interested. Is it coincidence that material info started being with held at that time?

Most people don,t realize how valuable their shares are that they are holding in this company. Sure, the Tesoro may fetch anywheres between $50 and several hundred dollars a share shortly, or down the road depending on how much she has to prove up. But, we have multiple valuable properties that will keep a fantastic sp after the sale of the Tesoro, until each is proven and sold/mined. So, when we get impatient, think about all this and stay the course if you can. And like others on this board has said, don,t put funds into this that you may need in the near future in case things take longer than we expect.

On your question Silverstone about the voting.

If a formal offer is announced and recommended by Lori there will probably be no need to vote, unless the offer seems ridiculously low and there would be just cause for an appeal of sorts. Lori trys to get the most bang for her buck, so I don,t expect to see her recommending a low ball offer when she knows she has support of her shareholders and can get a favourable price.

If the property is sold and a dividend distributed, there will be no need for a vote.

If SLI, or another entity is sold containing the Tesoro only, your vote would be considered a yes vote if you tender your shares to the aquiring companies bid. The aquiring company needs at least 66% of the shares tendered in this type of transaction to carry the sale. Still, as you can see, not really a vote.

This post contains speculation on my part and is only my opinion/thoughts on the subject.

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