Bush Boy, you are 100% correct. You proved that long ago when we had our "Pick the Drilling Permit Date" (Man that seems like a long time ago) Everyone picked dates that were all somewhat close together (fall 2010 to very early 2011), then we had a pick by Getrdone for April 01, 2011 (which I thought was a completely crazy guess, but more a joke on April Fools), & then Bushboy came in over a month further out from that and picked in May 2011. I thought absolutely no way!
Well, guess who won?? Bushboy
You learn when you hear things & rumours, to at least try to start keeping your own mouth shut, cause otherwise you're just continually wrong when you get excited in front of friends & family, and all the people you respect, who you got into this exciting play!
Oh well, for sure the Company Circular must come out in the next few weeks, prior to the AGM in mid Nov, and who knows what we'll find in that?
For those that are new to this stock, and as many of you have said last little while, enjoy these times to increase your position, for those of us, that have been around for a lontime, well... patience will be rewarded (IMO)
Have a very good long weekend everyone! (mine will be @ work, bet I don't say that next year!)