I fully support the comments by Mighty Oil. The Hub leaders have done a tremendous job of presenting and hightlighting the important " facts " about SLI and their properties to allow investors make their own conclusions and final judgement. Emotion can be misleading and must not be trusted. Investment " Hype " is rampant on these boards and one must be very careful. Investment is about risk and being able to weigh that risk and potential outcome is paramount. We all work hard for our daily bread in order to provide for our families but minimal interest in a savings account is also not being responsible.
I am a techl professional and have carefully reviewed the links provided. I have followed this stock for two yr and have become more heavily invested this summer and throughout the fall as we approach the drill results. This stock is not a lottery; there has been painstaking work and research conducted to support the high optimism we all share. It is justified !! Patience is a virtue and will be rewarded. When the geology assays, Qantac surveys are all held in the balance it is so very clear and " almost " certain.
I personally am very confident in this " investement " and yes I have made mistakes and have learned and grown from these experiences. Sculpin, Hogtown, Bow and others have also done their DD and see the huge potential. It is staggering.
All the best ... the increase in stock price indicates anticipation and interest is mounting.