Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: News

I am new to this board but invested several months ago after a buddy at work completely sold me on St. Elias. I been involved in numerous other plays for the past 20 years so I am not a novice and know the game.

I am etremely excited about the upside on this play. There was no news, at least absoltely nothing material yet the sp jumped 40% all based on a "rumor" of a blackout! that tells me what this thing will do if a fraction of the posts on this board hold even a drop of water.

I believe this was simply a tactic to test the elasticity of the market. The icebergs were scooped up in a heartbeat which tells me the big boys are watching with a microscope. (a simple retail investor will not drop $220+k to melt an iceberg....).

I predict the releases from the trenching and first drills will soon strat coming in waves and timed so as to ratchet up the price. If the numbers hold I think the first wave will drive sp in the $5-10 range then up from there base on what no news has done. the idea is to get the sp to a level that a potential buyer has to make a solid offer. I have no idea what that might be but have seen extremely conservative numbers on this board in the $150 range...

Then the fun will begin with competing offers. If the deep motherload is anywhere near what this board thinkls it is watch out! We could even see 4 figure offers...

Best of luck and with you long!

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