Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Posting

Hi Ro- Ja,

I removed your post and you should be getting a warning shortly.

Here is what your post said;

"I have seen many people tirfed out for mearly voicing opinions. Pumpers rule the board, it's just that simple folks."

I take offence to the direct comment of Pumpers ruling this board. I suggest in the future that it may be wise to give more consideration on the content of your post before you post. You may have made a mistake and didn,t mean what you said in that post, but anybody has the option of contacting a hub leader here to remove a post for them if they want. I am sure thats what happened here, that you made a little mistake.

I can,t see anyone justify calling us hub leaders "Pumpers" after the Analyst Report that came out the other night. In reality, it puts us hub leaders to shame in a sense that maybe we are way under estimating the magnitude of this find and should have been telling our fellow investors here that the sky is the limit. I guess if you compare us hub leaders with that report, us hub leaders could probably be considered as bashers.An analyst report is much more accepted in the investing world than is a message board. Us hub leaders only try to keep everyone informed of whats going on and try to show people what they have invested in, but at the end of the day, an analyst report would have superiority over this message board.


Should you have problems with removing any of your posts in the future, please feel free to pm me and I will take it off for you, if you wish. I understand that we are only human, and that everyone makes mistakes.


Respectfully yours


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