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Message: Our bumpy road

A lot of grumpy followers, I notice. We all have been through grumpy times awaiting the drill permits, etc. and one should expect a continuation of a bumpy road. Remember that we have climbed the major part of the hill, and we are gliding down to the finish below. All roads this high have to go uphill from time to time, and this board is certainly in second gear today, going up this little hill as I type.

I think you have to sit back and look at the surface values that are related to the big anomalies that Hog has prepared for you, and try and shut out what you and I would like to happen-this afternoon or AM tomorrow at the latest.

Regarding the upcoming vote, I have spoken with Murray but do not know him; I would not like to see Murray not receive what he deserves thus partly in order to include him, I will vote yes. I say partly because we don't know what Lori has been up to and based on her past performance for more years than I know, she is deserving of them. I'm not sure if it would be wise to fire your best football receiver because he dropped a ball in the game yesterday.

I discussed the Titan 24 with one of the members of Quantec geoscience. He confirmed that the decay in their square wave generator values in the last part of the voltage phase is because the ore body is using that energy charging up the ore body. He reiterated that where there is low resistivity and high chargeability this would be an area that, in their opinion, a good place to drill. The company can take that advice or not. I pushed for an answer that would tell me that their survey could pick up, for example, 2 gms. per ton of gold but not one gram. I posed the question in several ways but he said they cannot do this. For instance, their survey picked up 5 gms per ton in Nevada-not a straight answer. I asked if this was because the lawyers get into it and he said not. I asked if he thought eventually they might be able to do this and he thought not, and went back to how important the conductivity, resistivity and chargeability are in complying their data. I am at a loss to explain why my voltmeter can pick up a tiny charge in a spent battery and they can't have any idea how much gold concentration it takes to produce a pink colour. He always gets back to how much of a metal is there to produce the results of their survey.

To me, all this again underlines the fact that Tesoro has a huge anomaly and a big anomaly (and a tiny one) that show very interesting metallic electrical values. Hog has drawn the dotted lines for anyone that wants to see them. This is the 999/1000 of importance to me, the voting makes up the rest.

Nov 08, 2011 02:45PM
Nov 08, 2011 02:51PM
Nov 08, 2011 03:14PM
Nov 08, 2011 09:45PM
Nov 09, 2011 11:15AM
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