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Message: Re: Reason for sell-off? Financial advisors!
Nov 10, 2011 06:56PM
Nov 10, 2011 07:06PM
Nov 10, 2011 07:10PM
Nov 10, 2011 07:15PM
Nov 10, 2011 07:28PM

Excellent post dirty,

Many FA,s are oblivious to SLI and have good reason to be. Because, they were never told about it, and if its not in their bundle of stocks they want to push to their clients, it will be shunned by most FA,S. SLI was/is made up of retail, Lori did not have to even once, go to financial institutions for financing. This is why there is no independent analyst report on us, because it is not pushed by financial institutions. As you mention, if they can,t make money off this, they would sooner not have it for their clients, unless they can charge a MER.

My son told me just yesterday that his work placed mutual fund is losing between 1-2% each time he gets his statement. He is invested in SLI as his first ever self investment, his comparison to the difference of a loss in his mutual fund to a gain in SLI has got him asking questions. That was good, while we were hunting, I filled him in on the things he wouldn,t listen to before. He now knows what inflation will do to his mutual fund on top of the 1-2 % declines, and realizes that if he is ever gonna have a reasonable retirement, he better look after his own investments. He fully grasped the concept of buying a good junior company and sticking with it to get his desired return of more than - 1-2%.

The post about what the FA sent to his client, is proposterous in my opinion. These infractions were dug up by someone and brought to light just recently. Even though they existed at the time the client probably bought the security, where was the compliance department then? For a FA to be pushing these minor infractions along with an unfounded shorting blog, should say something. They seem to slap away an analyst report and reasonable DD, to favour an untruthful report written by a shorter? C,mon, there should be some serious questions asked of the compentancy of any FA that will favour fiction over fact. As for the infractions, they are fact, BUT, you are only hearing one side of the story, the side that won. To do a reasonable unbiased analysis of these, the convicteds argument should be considered. I have talked to people with knowledge of both the infractions and I am satisfied with the explanation that never reached the public. Do your own DD on this and reach your own judgement, I am satisfied with mine.


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