Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: SS St Elias Guest List

Hey Folks;

Sculpin --as usual my hat goes off to you for the excellent work done on the "deep drilling" posts over the last couple of days. And Mrscramer-- some awesome posting on the drilling and coring and assaying tutorials--I was overwhelmed with all that new info by both of you. I'm sure a heartfelt "thank you" from all of us, can be assumed. Bubba, Rawkstar, Stewie, Bow, and many many other contributors ----thank you as well.

After reading posts on this hub for over 8 months it really becomes quite evident why the SLI family is so strong---we depend on each other for our individual strengths. What one lacks--somebody else has. Together we're strong, individually we're weak. Not to say we don't have our dissagreements or differences in opinion, we do--but-- that is what makes us individuals and it is also what keeps the mind from getting stagnant.

I've watched when someone new comes on the board and introduces themselves, are welcomed, and after several posts they become more relaxed and let their true opinion start to show thru---testing the waters like a new student tests their peers and teachers.

I have also noticed that their opinion is majorily welcomed ( not always agreed on ) and it stems a whole new train of thought on the board that would never have come up if the opinion was never aired. The only time anyone gets any heat is when they slander the other posters or tries to bash our investment without just reason or facts. Discussion is healthy for all of us---even if all you do is read, ---and then vent your opinion to your significant other.

Anyway, Im sure many of you are getting ready to start packing your vacation suitcases for what will -- in a few months, look like a well laid out plan. Pat yourself on the back for having the patience, belief and the fortitude to stick with it. Above all-- thank your lucky stars that the "Big Guy" blessed you with this Adventuresome Investment.

Sooooo---ducks keep quacking louder -- but I sleep even sounder every nite ---cuz I know that even at a gram ( 1 penny ) per tonne --its only a short matter of time before the SS St Elias will be striking off for the Carribean ---chuck full of very happy SLI investors.

Good Luck , Sleep Well, and enjoy the rest of the ride.!


P.S. ---Don't forget to have your name put on the Guest List--Need to know what size cruise ship to buy.

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