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Message: Re: Grey cup hang over?
Nov 28, 2011 05:18PM
Nov 28, 2011 06:03PM
Nov 28, 2011 06:52PM
Nov 28, 2011 06:59PM
Nov 28, 2011 07:03PM
Nov 28, 2011 07:08PM
Nov 28, 2011 07:14PM
Nov 28, 2011 07:14PM
Nov 28, 2011 07:17PM
Nov 28, 2011 07:20PM
Nov 28, 2011 08:10PM

I beleive newbie the PP closed the 7 th of Oct, so we are on approx our 8 th week for the samples ( starting tomorrow)that were submitted around the 10 th of Oct. Also, from Lori said at the AGM, we had about 4500m drilled at that time. We started drilling around Aug 17 th, so from then til Oct 7th, is 7 weeks.

By calculating from Aug 17 th til the AGM(Nov 17 th)= 13 weeks/ 4500m= 346m per week drilled, or 50m per day. Thats only 25 m drilled per 12 hour shift! That figure seems extremely low even if the rig did break down. I hope BAH or another driller gives their opinion on these numbers of mine.

Anyhow, at least Lori has given us some numbers to work with in regards to drilling. So, we average drilling 346m per week for 7 weeks = 2422m drilled/ 600m holes= 4 holes .

So, if we can go by these numbers, 4 holes should have been sent to the lab on Oct 10th to get assayed. The first hole drilled on the Tesoro may take the longest to get assayed, and depending on this hole, will determine how the subsequent holes will be assayed.

Its most likely gonna be a challenge with the very first hole to learn what parts of it to assay, It could turn out to be no challenge at all, if visible gold or mineralization is seen with the naked eye in most of the core. However, and I have seen this, you can have up to 200g/t in a core and don,t know it, because you can,t see the gold. The only way in these kind of situations, is to sample the core. Now if you have to sample the entire length of that core (at least the first one), that takes a lot longer than the geo just marking out different segments of the core to be assayed.

Part of our problem will be/was , we need to know how much disseminated gold is in the host rock of the anomaly. And that hole will most likely be 600m, it most likely went in where the anomaly almost breaches the surface and ended near the heart of the anomaly. This first hole in the anomaly will tell the geo much and tell the tale, if the whole core will have to be assayed in the subsequent holes. If the whole core has to assayed in the subsequent holes, assays results will take longer, BUT! this is exactly what we want! If they have to assay the entire core of every hole in the anomaly, that means we got it( the gold, I mean and some of those fantastic numbers we dream about)

This may have also contributed to the slower drilling, if they couldn,t get that first hole assayed because they had to wait 7 weeks for the PP to close. See, knowing if it was any use to further target the targets was very important, you need that insight to move forward and make decisions on the next drill hole. Now hopefully this was not the case and the geo,s job was easy, that he could see visible gold or mineralization and instruct the drilling crew to go to the next target. And, it was most likely not the case (about waiting to see what the first hole showed)because the rigs kept drilling.

Where we are drilling in virgin territory, that first info from that first hole is crucial to the whole drill program itself. So, if we end up assaying whole 600 m holes, its gonna take a lot longer. Add on top of this, labs busy, and the fact that Lori said she wouldn,t release holes until she had enough compiled to represent something(meaning conclusions of how much gold was there over certain distances and demonstrated by more than one hole).IMO, 3 holes should be able to represent the anomaly, for now.

Once the info is gone over that was received from the first holes by the geos, the drilling should be able to speed up from there,and thus the sampling. If we have no diseminated gold in the anomaly, then only sections of the core need to be assayed. This is done by just visually looking at the core, marking/cutting out the sections of interest, and sending them for assay. Its possible to have a 600m core, and only sample 6m of it. With much learned from the first assay, you can save time in the future by only cutting and splitting the core where need be.

It was said turnaround time for assays was 16 days at Lima.A couple posters here was told this by contacting the lab. I disagree with the receptionist/assistant that told them this. It depends on how big of a sample you have and what kind of tests you want performed on it. Also, the couple labs I deal with have a 21 days rush or 28 days normal time on return assays written in their policy, they also have a lab in Peru.

To sum everything up, we most likely have 4 holes in getting assayed ,that when finished and compiled, may be worthy of a news release. And if these were sent on Oct 10 th, my guess would be 2-3 months getting the first nr, and it could take longer. Since Oct 10 th, there have possibly been 3 more holes sent or ready to go.

This is only my opinion, and things usually take a lot longer than I think, so be prepared to wait longer than my timelines.

Nov 28, 2011 09:04PM
Nov 29, 2011 12:46AM

Nov 29, 2011 12:55AM
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