Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Who Knew ?

Hey Folks;

Every once in a while I take the opportunity to roam around the Agoracom site and see if I can figure out exactly what this amazing site has to offer, and just as importantly, what it is about. There are probably a lot of senoir posters here that know how to use this site effectively, but there are a lot of junior newbies that I am sure would appreciate knowing a bit more about what Agoracom does behind the scenes. I have taken the liberty to paste here an article posted on Sept long weekend by George--the founder of Agoracom.

It shows an example of what power we have as retail investors to fight a hostile takeover such as the one AURELIAN fought with KINROSS.

Until I started poking around the site and reading I never knew just how effective this Agoracom site could be.

SOOOO ---I encourage all newcomers to scout around this website and see and read, I'm sure you'll be impressed even more than you were before,--I know I was.


Message: Drawing A Line In The Sand - Money Needed To Fight Another Predatory Takeover

A Line In The Sand - Money Needed To Fight Another Predatory Takeover

posted on Sep 05, 11 10:55AM Use the IP Check tool [?]

Good morning to you all and we hope you are enjoying your Labour Day Long Weekend.

As everyone heads back home and prepares for the commencement of what I call "Trading Season" (September - May), I wanted to take a moment to remind you that junior resource investors are still at the mercy of predatory takeovers of their prized companies.

Specifically, as investors of unknown junior resource investors, we all put in the time and effort to conduct research and support the companies we believe in, hoping to see them flourish one day for the benefit of all.

Unfortunately, Bay Street predators have a reputation for swooping in and reaping the benefits when our unknown juniors turn into polished gems - and often enough there was nothing retail investors could do about it.


In the last couple of years, we have started to fight back. Thanks to this amazing AGORACOM platform and, more importantly, the incredible people that utilize it to share information, collaborate and mount counter-attacks. This is precisely what I personally had predicted would happen almost back in 2007 .

More than just lip service, we were able to wage wars against the powers that be as follows:

We may have eventually lost the battle for Aurelian but the war for the protection of all junior resource companies was just beginning. We all did exceptionally well for our first battle and we learned some valuable lessons. Those lessons turned into a stunning victory in our next battle:

As a result, the National Post recognized AGORACOM and its incomparable members as The Site Retail Investors Use To Fight Takeovers.

This is who you are. This is a large part of what makes this community so great. We have moved beyond mere passive investors. We are active and we don't take crap from anyone, no matter how much they throw at us. Believe me when I tell you, there are many people that would applaud the demise of this platform and would prefer that each and every one of you simply kept your mouths shut and swallowed whatever the eilte fed you.

I don't ever plan to give them the satisfaction. The Ancient Agora stands today because a band of Spartans simply responded with "Come And Get Them" when asked to lay down their weapons.

AGORACOM is our weapon ... and we've been called upon again.

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