To offer a partial explanation as to why the results release everyone is eager to see is taking time.
When you say...
"if the Company has any "material" knowledge on assay results, they need to be released to the investing public, whether good or bad, in a timely manor."
you are only partially right as I understand it from Lori's explanation at the AGM.
she said (and I am paraphrasing) That when the company is in possesion of material results from an ongoing defined drill program, the company has the option to release the information as it comes in, in batches or as one release once the defined "drill program" has been completed. As I beleive the dril program is defined as 10,000m (and I beleive it was strategically defined this way for the flexibilty we are experiencing today) Lori can release results she has in her possession...or wait until she has a "batch" or "portion" of the drill program she feels is appropriate to release to maximize impact to the company in a positive/less negative way.
I think it's important to restate that the blackout which was put in effect...was entirely to ensure no inappropriate trading would be done on knowledge of results as they roll in. It is also fair to extrapolate that results of the batch of cores have been in processing since the beginning of the blackout and continue to be as the blackout is 100% still in effect.
I do beleive the window to release news once the regulations require you to do so is very small...however actual # of days I am unsure of as I would be posting a number solely on my recollection of discussion many months ago...which would be no more factual than a guess.
Just one man's opinion