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Message: Interesting Article from Web

Bottom line I have read the personal attacks directed towards our Hub Leaders time after time after time over on that other board. Yes I personal know some of these people as most of you do, and if you know them like I do then you 100% know they want nothing more then for everyone in this play to make out like bandits.

Look !! I don't care what is said here ( Good ) or ( Bad ) there is a massive link Library to look at that was put together by our hub leaders and some others it's a wealth of info. Why not draw your own opioion from that ????? Nothing is stopping but yourself. Keep in mind these people are not paid for what they do here so I hope none of you really think that?. With reguards to the other board I have said in the past it's a crazy bashing board but I was wrong and I will admit it. Some times there are vaild points brought up ( But ) I'm never going to forever the comment made about the hub leaders.

1. Read the link Library

2. Make up your own mind ( It's your money so you should be doing that anyways )

3. Invest what you can ( if ) you want to. And if you have invested to much nobody to blame but yourself, easy to fix ( Sell Button )

4. If your not happy ( Sell and move on ) ... See this one always drives me crazy when people are mad? Why get mad if your not happy and you don't want to see this to the end then just sell your shares say goodbye and find something else. It's like someone who hates there job but never leaves and makes everyone else around them miserable. Right ?? I mean wow how hard is that,

5. Yes both the boards have some good points but the personal attacks are junk ! Some of you are coming down on Hogtown today but I would like to see some of you get peronally attacked , PM threats , Calls at your home , Slander , as well as a lier .. as much as Hogtown does ...... ( Walk a mile in those shoes People !! ) Ever ask yourself that question. And then lets see how you deal with it ?? I know I sure would not like it. But were sure easy to judge aren't we ???

6. News ? Well if I had a crystal ball I would be rich and so would everyone else that had one. Is new coming ? The anwser is yes people. When ( only Lori knows and maybe a couple others ) Is the news good or bad ( Crystal ball required again ) but use the link library and draw your own opioion. Well the SP go up or down with good news ( some exsamples show yes it will ! Some show that it's does not right away ) So again ( Crystal ball needed ) ... I'm on e-bay trying to buy one so I will let you all know how that goes LOL ! ...

7. Bashing and Pumping ~~ I'm a big boy so I will make up my own dam mind up and It's my money so thats an easy anwser for me. If you get caught up in it either way then thats your own fault and you can only blame yourself when this is all over ( Good ) or ( Bad ) ... sooner or later we will all know won't we ... The only person you should listen to is ( You ) not a pumper not a basher .... ( You ) ( You ) ( You ) ... So please stop going on about it either way. If your not pulled in by someone else then maybe you shouldn't be in this play ? or ? I don't know .. what ever I do what I want to when it comes to my money ( Don't you ) ??

In closing I have always like the good the bad the ugly here ( Except ) personal attacks that never last long here anyways which are removed in a timly fashion as they should be. Everyone ask Santa for a crystal ball this year and enjoy the hoildays with your friends and family. Living and breathing every word here will not do you any good.


Very ( Long ) SLI ... and will be to the bitter end ;-)

Happy Friday

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