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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: My reasoning for resignation

In many professions ones reputation is everything and in the career of a Geo it is certainly the case. Remember the truism..."It takes a lifetime to build your reputation, yet only a moment to destroy it."

...lets look at the realities of a Geo.

regardless of whether you are are "good" geo or "bad" geo ... what matters is how you are perceived which determines you career success...that is your reputation.

Now it appears to me that the Geo's who just resigned had a reasonable reputation, and more importantly have built their reputations over many years.

It would be safe to assume that based on their experience that they would be capable of determining whether a news release of results is well constructed and more importantly complete. Therefore It would be logical that no professional which relies on its reputation would want to risk thier reputation on putting forth less than quality work.

Regardless of who put out the NR, Who was aware of it and who was not...the reality is the Geo's reputations were pinned to the NR directly or indirectly...simply because they are the "Geo's" and they are the ones that "should know".

If I were to hypothesize why the resignation at this time...I would say that the Geo's found themselves in a position where thier reputations were being put in harms way unwillingly and wanted to distance themselves or even make a statement that they were not having any part of it.

I do not for a second beleive that the Geo's constructed and supported such an incompetent release and therefore, I have have ruled that scenario out.

Just one man's opinion


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