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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Re: Any concerns call Murry
Jan 17, 2012 03:01PM
Jan 17, 2012 04:09PM
Jan 17, 2012 04:21PM
Jan 17, 2012 04:28PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:09PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:19PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:24PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:28PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:49PM
Jan 17, 2012 06:10PM

Lefty, we may never know what happened. All I will say is that in the years I've been involved with this company, and the 4 AGM's I attended I can only recall seeing Duncan at one meetings.

And Alan, I've never met the man. Never seen him at a AGM, which is surprising considering the fact he lives in Vancouver. My point is that over the years I've observed that they both had little, to no interest in the company. They were however interested in getting their options, exercising them and selling the shares. How many times did we bitch about that here on the board.

The other point I'd like to make, is their low equity stake in the company. Duncan only owns 60,000 shares and has 350,000 option, while Alan own 0 shares(that's right ZERO) and has 552,000 options. In my opinion, I'm glad to see them gone and replaced by reputable business people.

Thank you Lori

Jan 18, 2012 12:30AM
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