1- I wouldn't sell my position in this stock for anything right now based on the very few drill holes we have seen so far. Lots of drilling left to do!!
2- I don't see the instability with directors.. I see that she needed to improve her directors knowledge level.
3- I'm sure that management sees these boards and I hope for a response by week end.
4- I think there is a lot to add to the last assay news release. The gold under 1 ppm could possibly make a large difference. Hole DDH-TE-07 shows a .21m intercept of 1.252 ppm when infact the "From M." is 62.70,,, and the "To M." is 67.28 ??? To me that looks more like 5.21M @ 1.252ppm. Not sure which is the mistake,,,the interval distance or the "To, From". I think the clarification is quite important. It would be good if we had Paul Greys signature on it so that it could be 43-101. I hope he's around!!