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Message: The Drill Results


My background is not drilling or mining, so that should be made clear.

Could they have purposely drilled the perimeter? The only answer is yes it is possible as we do not know as of yet...so anything is inarguably possible.

My opinion is that there would have to be a very specific strategy in mind to justify perimieter first drilling. The reason I feel this way is that perimeter first drilling could only result...in the short term...reduced shareholder value, increased drilling costs (more drill cores and sampling will ultimately be required to prove up the property good or bad), and shareholder unrest.

The question that one must ask themselves is...why? Why would management/Quantec strategically determine such a strategy to be most effective long term? Many have hypothesized and frankly I have in my mind various scenarios that have not been discussed. In the end you have to determine in your mind if any of those scenarios are possible...and more importantly likely.

I know this answer to your question may sound like waffling...but ultimately without the definitive information necessary...anyone claiming anything as 100% certain is being disingenuous.

Just one man's opinion,


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