Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Just my Two-Bits

I'm so enjoying watching this unfold and am very excited for the next NR. I'm new to posting on the board, but not new to watching St. Elias. I've been following this play unfold and reading everything for two years. Thank you to all that share you knowledge and wisdom, it truly very much appreciated.

I've been following this play, not because I'm invested, I'm neutral. But many very close hard working, blue collar friends are invested very heavily. Some are first time investors, thinking they were onto a "quick, sure thing" so are too heavily invested causing sleepless nights and worry for their families. And most of them aren't on the computer so rely on the word of others.

I know absolutely nothing about mining, but I do understand business. What I do know, based on 25+ years in management and consulting, is its always about the leadership. Leadership will make or brake any company. Recent examples, research in motion, eatons, kodak. There are hundreds of examples. No judgement here, just a fact.

Also, I've noticed some people on this board do not understand the role of Corporate Secretary so I encourage those to do further research. Corporate secretaries are not part of a "secretarial pool" as was suggested. No judgement, just a fact.

I truly hope this venture is a windfall for all involved. Maybe in the next while I can dig up some gambling money and play along too. I see it as going to Vegas, only take what I can afford to loose and play for the "big One".

Just my opinion, Sincerely

Jan 28, 2012 05:55PM
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