posted on
Jan 28, 2012 02:02PM
Considering the money (costs) at stake, I assume all resources and focus is here on the tesoro.............And shareholder interest is focused on Tesoro at the moment as well................... So, to change focus a little bit, I'm curious about the status of Vilcoro. As I understand, the EIS is approved and SLI has the go-ahead to drill. BUT, are we drill ready? Does this property need a TITAN kind of survey? I heard that there is a type of survey that can be conducted from air as well. How much ( costs/time/etc) does SLI need to invest to conduct a drill program................ I am comfortable calling on Murry- don't know jeff-, but I'd sooner ask here as there are many more people who may already have asked, or would be curious to ask- the right questions as to where VILCORO stands on the list of 'things to do'.