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Message: Insider selling...
What's going on, they tell everyone everything is just great, and buy if you can, then sell there shares to us??? Made another list today at least, second most insider shares sold in dollar value, LORI, Time to fire the grade three student you hired to do your work, your releases were an embarrassment you should be ashamed of your self, it took 10 days to do the second release, wow, I am not a CEO, but would be fired if I did my job so poorly, and that's not saying much, don't know who is worse, Murray for for being a vp and does not know what Lori and the company is up to, or Lori who keeps everyone in the dark, a shroud of mystery, well, at this point there is nothing else to believe but Lori is not trying to stop any company from getting bought to cheap, at this point in time she is just trying to save the company, sad sad story, I hope the pay it forward guy is serving the poor guy meals on wheels. SLI, stop the spin, time to see some of those releases Murray has been talking about for the past 6 months that were waiting for the PP, put up or shut up.
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