wow.. sorry! I just wanted to find out for myself what Stock House all about and no, I do not make my decision on my investment based on any forums. I do have more sense to know better than to trust boards. I try to do my own dd and I base my decision on fact and history.. no again, to the opinion held non believers, would I ever use that as a basis to invest...not! C'mon really? bickering? I should think not..I went to the site to see for myself what some of the posters were actually saying and posting.. I came, I saw, I left...End of story...and NO, I am not being" just a tad bit hypocritical by blindly following the advice given by others simply because it's positive", again no...that would be stupidity on my part. No, No, no and no again. Geez, I was expressing my own opinion of what I gathered about the SH and yes," they see things the way they want, and are entitled to have an opinion about it " and I am entitled to mine as well...Believe me, it has absolutley nothing to do with "vanity".I formed my own opinion and VANITY, my friend is not even a second thought...
Please, no hostility.. just sharing a thought..MY thoughts, and my take on the infamous SH