posted on
Feb 16, 2012 10:50AM
Great point Sculpin. Why would we be spending so much money and resources on a dead play? And like another contributor posted recently, history shows Lori has no problem dropping an exploration program dead in it's tracks as she did on our Portugal for our current SP? I know there are a lot of new Investors in my area, and nobody has sold, in fact, many of us have been accumulating. Some predict our SP sliding some more, and until we get more news, the weak hands will get out, and the shares will go into stronger hands............ There has been more than enough posts like yours today that clearly show why so many of us are truly confident in our position at SLI - regardless of what the SP is currently doing. It's not blind faith, it's based on facts and the obvious........... It's better for the weak to fold and their shares go to stronger hands. 'You can lead a horse to water......' and those unfortunate ones that have folded and took loss on their savings, well, there's been more than enough effort by so many people to explain why this play has so much potential. And soon there will be a lot of skeptics left behind.