One thing that I find interesting is the fact that our pres. has not made any kind of an effort to calm shareholders fears or try to give reason for the decline in share price whatsoever. I ponder that thought often and sometime get the feeling that she's not the slightest bit concerned about the day to day share price. But WHY ??I feel that she must have knowledge of the gold content in the trenching samples as well as the last drill cores to some degree and can't stop thinking that she must be confident in what we have. If the weaker hands sell then she'll have less trouble convincing shareholders to not accept a low ball bid from a takeover attempt. Insider selling is never a nice thing to see but the amount sold compared to their investment in sli is meager at best. If we continue to see 100+K sells especially by all insiders then we may have a problem, but like I've said before ,,the property hasn't changed...only the share price and our attitudes.