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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: One word about negotiations with Newmont or any major and....

There is no doubt in my mind that the next set of results that are announced be they positive or negative are going to have an enormous effect on the share price. It is hard to imagine "neutral' results, that is results too inconclusive to get major movement in the share price. Neutral results, results that do not give one a good idea of whether what we have is good or bad, will be interpreted very negatively on the basis of the last results that came out which most, not all, perceived negatively. I never heard a single voice say "hey, we got great results here, great." We did try and put a positive spin on it and rightly so for the game is not over yet.

If the next news release of results is anything less than clearly positive most of the guys who bought in at $1.50 or more a share will be thinking that 70 cents a share is better than 20 cents and will be hitting the sell button about as quickly as fingers can move on a keyboard but that is just my opinion.

I think most of us are a little anxious. We would not be human if we were not. I understand there may be investors that have so much money that if this thing tanks and they lose a bundle they can still go on living comfortably and life will go on as normal. Likely, they are not anxious but I hope they can cut the little guy who if he loses his investment it will be a major hit to him a little slack and show some mercy when they express some fears. No use to tell them to "get out" for they cannot get out without taking a great loss and their only hope is to ride it out and hope for the best.

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