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Message: wonder if....

I was thinking the same thing Sculpin ! I'm sure Lori didn't hire these guys because they look good in a suit? At least I hope not. As Lori stated in her CC address why they were hired in the first place. We are yet to see the reason they were brought on board But I'm sure there day in the spot light can not be to far away. If anyone is confused to why Lori hired these new directors, have another listen ... Pretty straight forward in plain english if you ask me. I for one am looking foward to them taking over the public realtions of SLI and when we do finally start to get into certain talks down the road they will be key in making this happen alot smoother. No offense Lori but your TV skills are less then ( well ) no need to beat that dead horse I will leave that one alone. The new directors back grounds speak in volumes and nobody here can arguy that ( but I'm sure some will try ) ..

As well I'm hoping the next results are good and we have a reason to put our new directors to work because if there not, then really why were they hired in the first place? ( Think about that very hard my friends ) .. They were picked ... and they said yes for a reason ..


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