Please, when responding to this notice, do so by PM to me. Also, if there's any hockey talk, lets try to use the Off Topic please, out of respect of all readers & posters.
SLI Hockey Game and B&B Meeting
Please let me know ASAP, if you wish to attend the hockey and/or the Meeting, and for how many. I know it’s far in advance, but I need to book the size of the meeting room right away. Thanks!
Date: May 11,2012 (Friday)
Location:River Cree Resort & Casino (Edmonton)
Hockey Game:4:00 PM - 5:00 PM South Rink ($20 per player)
Please Note: The arena does not carry insurance, nor do I, weare all playing at our own risk, and responsible for our own accidents, or injury.
B & B Meeting:7:30 PM - 10:30 PM (no charge)
With Vice President (Murry Braucht)
We have 23 signed up for hockey, so there is only room for 9 more players.
If you’re from out of town, and you require a Hotel room please let me know, and I’ll send you the details, with our special weekend rate.
Thanks very much;
BOW2U (Bruce)