It seems to me in my humble opinion that most people who attended the meeting were expecting to hear great things, one way or the other. This was a meeting called on very short notice and obviously many on this boarddirupted their weekend to make every effort to attend.
People read an awful lot into the announcement of the meeting, which IMO promised nothing. A hastily caled meeting on a weekend does not seem like the venue to announce anything of substance.
I am sure, that if some coincidence Lori did announce great results we would not be hearing about her being late or being "not sober"
Many people in this play appear to be novice investors in a Venture mining play there is an opportunity for great reward but also great loss. These things take time and sometimes a lot of time. Each person has to make their own decision whether to stick it out, buy more or sell and walk away.
The anomaly is huge in actual size and a small drill is not necessarlly going to "hit" on the firts attempt or the 100th attempt. There are a number of plays which were very successful in such a circumstance, Stikene comes to mind.
I, personally do not like the time delay or the apparent lack of regard for shareholders, but if the gold is there and is proven who cares.