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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: confusion on last NR?

I am getting the feeling that some on this board do not know how option agreements work, mainly, the agreement between IGD and SLI on the CB.

I want you to understand that it is IGD,s money and personel that will be spent on the CB. SLI is not taking drills or equipment or personel from the Tesoro to go to the CB. SLI is not spending money on the CB or redeploying our focus there. SLI is keeping all drills etc on the Tesoro and are working ongoing.

The whole idea of SLI optioning properties out to other companies is; for the other company to spend the money to prove the property up, while it doesn,t cost SLI a cent and allows SLI to prove up the flagship, Tesoro. This is also beneficial to the degree that we can have multiple properties being advanced at the same time, upping the value of SLI by multiples, instead of relying on one property to sustain your sp. Also, keep in mind that SLI owns the CB 100% and that IGD has to meet the terms of the agreement before they receive the 60% interest.

Lets look at it this way; if SLI hadn,t optioned out the CB or Chance E, we would only be working on the Tesoro most likely because of funding. To do more financing at this stage, with approx 130 million shares fully diluted, to work on the other properties, at the same time as working on the Tesoro, would cause much more dilution to SLI shareholders. Also, if we have to prove up something quickly, like what may be happening with the CB right now, IGD is there perfectly positioned to do what has to be done. If the Merger and Aquisition activity picks up here all of a sudden, we are gonna be pretty glad we have IGD at non arms length to advance the other 2 properties. I would also go as far as to say Lori was very smart to have this sort of safeguard in place if this type of scenario arose. If the M&A activity spikes up here shortly because of all the promising juniors sp,s being beat up, things could get very exciting for us.

And, I will throw some speculation out here as well. CB is most likely the less prominant property we have in Peru, if Beunaventura has interest in the CB, what about the other properties that look more promising? I have read Lori saying that the Vilcoro and Tesoro are possibly world class gold properties, I haven,t heard her say that about the CB. IMO, the Vilcoro and Tesoro have multiple potential when compared with CB.

The option agreement that is in place on the CB, has IGD to earn a 60% interest in the property under certain obligations. Below are the terms and came into force around May 9th/2010. And don,t forget IGD was supposed to be doing exploration work/trenching on the Chance E since last Aug under an option agreement.

Cueva Blanca Property Agreement

Under the terms of the letter agreement, Intigold can acquire a 60% carried interest in the Property (subject to a 1.5% NSR) in consideration of:

(a) making cash payments of $200,000 to St. Elias over a two-year period;

(b) issuing 1,000,000 common shares in the capital of Intigold to St. Elias; and

(c) incurring $1,500,000 in exploration expenditures on the Property over a three-year period.

In addition, Intigold shall have the right to purchase one-half of the 1.5% NSR from St. Elias for the sum of $1,500,000 thereby reducing the NSR payable to from 1.5% to 0.75%.


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