Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Friday Night

Well if people were going on Friday with the intentions of hearing some earth shattering news then they are sadly mistaken. If people are coming on Friday to take a stripe off Murray they were also sadly mistaken. Nobody and I mean NOBODY was mislead in anyway what Friday is all about. May 11th will probably the last time many of us get together and see one another for a very long time or at least until the AGM in November if there is one at all? Hard to say what the plan is moving foward this summer. Who knows maybe Lori and company will come out to Alberta again when the assays are completed and present them at that time if there as good as we hope. Considering how tightly held this stock is in Alberta it would seem fit for Lori to make that call and share the news in person with us all. Friday we have investors coming from all over Canada and the one's who are coming from the east were well aware of what they were in for this weekend. I guess I'm surprized with some people's reactions but in many ways there grown adults if they choose to not to come then so be it. I have made many friends over the years with SLI and for myself I'm glad to once again see them and shoot the sh*t. Do I wish we had some news before Friday well of course I do. Would Friday have a different tone with some Materials news in hand ? Maybe ? I don't know. I just know that Friday was planned to be a fun night and a get together of 200+ people and 50 million shares in the room. Bottom line we all want the same thing when this is over but I'm pretty sure nobody was promised that Friday May11th Lori was showing up and telling us we have a buy out in hand ???

What did some people think was happening ?

I think BOW2U has done a great job setting this up and Murray has been there for all of us over the years ... the good the bad the ugly ... You can always count on Murray to pick up the phone or at least call you back. I'm sure he .. actually I know he wants this over just like the rest of us but there is nothing he can do about it.

Thanks again BOW2U for setting up this B&B I guess some people don't know how much work it took for you to set this up and get it organized. It's people like you that are giving me the chance to meet Kherson and some others I have been talking with for years and never met face to face.

See you Friday !!

LONG SLI .... " always and till the end "

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