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Message: The price of gold is extremely important to SLI shareholders.

Excellent post greaser. I reread it 4 times to digest what you were saying, my fault, by the way.Brain not working so good lately, maybe.

The financial system is ready to collapse, there is no doubt in my mind, UNLESS.

I beleive the financial system as we know it, has to come to an end. I believe we have 1 chance to save ourselves from a nasty recession and a hinderance to the world and its economies. The current financial system has to be restructured, but from scratch. If this could be done, maybe we could get back on track and avoid a great demise.

One way that might work, and for it to work,greedy people would have to share and reach out to the less fortunate communities of this world. Maybe devising a formula for gold that would see all nations on earth initially starting out with a pro rata to population gold reserve.You need some form of monetary backing, it would be foolish to think a barter system would work today. Gold always was the sign of power/rich, so it could be used,as well as the other Precious metals. You would then base a universal currency on gold, yes, 1 currency. The over populated countries would have to be depopulated by letting so many immigrate before the pro rata basis for gold was delivered. This would mean global sharing of land and much more.

Lets face it, the worlds pop keeps growing and growing, and there is little room in some smaller countries.There are large areas in this earth with no population that people could take up residence in. This would give us years, all the while that space technology is advancing and searching for ways to colonize other planets.Right now, all space programs of this nature are in jeopardy because of the less required funds to speed up the R&D, and may never get a chance to know if we have a chance in the future.

In short term, I would like to maybe see the BRIC countries adopt Greece and help them out under a newly structured financial system. The compassion is disappearing from the world second by second and I think if we are ever gonna straigthen this mess, that it has to start there.I have read and heard fellow SLI shareholders say that if this turns out to be as big as we think, that we will be helping less fortunate. Now thats compassion, and I hope we get the chance to show the world how a small group of investors can make a difference, by reaching out to our fellow man. Then maybe some of the greed will follow and do what is right and turn this around. I should note, that there are some very rich people that are showing their compassion now through helping out as much as they can. Maybe this is a start?

Just some thoughts, opinions and suggestions.

Open for discussion.

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