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Message: I think there is a clue as why we didn't hit gold!

Hey Folks;

Still here and grabbing up some of these really cheap shares, cuz we all know ---theres gold in them hills. All we have to do is find out where its concentrated so we can prove its profitable for our buyer to mine.

jw83jw, great theory and I believe its probably closer to the truth than many realise. Longball ---good comeback with your last post. Started me thinkin----is it possible that is why we bulk sampled the last time. After all--- the last time we bulk sampled we averaged close to an ounce (29 grams)per tonne when we took it to Dynacore to be processed. AND---if I recall correctly----it was 43101 compliant.

Share price is the pitts---only if you are willing to give them away, not really a bad thing if you are on the buying end--just a really good opportunity to dollar cost average down like Molson did.

T&J, don't know if there is a really simple answer as to why we have not drilled into the "big pink thing" yet, but there is a possibility its cuz we already know its loaded with paydirt. After all we know for a fact that we are drilling on a "Dessert Plateau" and the only thing that would light up the Titan 24 like it did was either water or sulphides. Any bettin man will probably go with the sulphides rather than the water in a dessert theory. We also already know that the sulphides on this dessert plateau contain "gold"

Soooo ----just wanted you all to know I'm still here as long and strong as ever and not really surprised that the prediction of 20 cent shares came true. Also---not totally convinced that the release wasn't meant to do what it actually did---shook a whole bunch of shares free for the opportunists who know and believe to scoop up at bargain prices. Now that may or may not include management and friends---you decide.!

Not that I agree with that method of doing business, but if someone is going to give their shares away, I'll stand in line paying next to nothing for them the same as I did at over $2.50 cents.

Back to my day job,


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