Sculpin, would you mind clarifying this a bit. Who are you calling the market maker in this post?
This is a description of the Market Maker system from the TMX itself.
The role of the Market Maker on Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) is to augment liquidity, while maintaining the primacy of an order-driven continuous auction market based on price-time priority. TSX's Market Maker system maximizes market efficiency and removes the interfering influence of a traditional specialist. In the TSX environment, a Market Maker manages market liquidity through a passive role. Market Makers are visible only when necessary to provide a positive influence when natural market forces cannot provide sufficient liquidity.
Note how it says "removes the interfering influence of the traditional specialist" and "passive role" and "visible only when necessary to provide a positive influence."
In other words the market is driven as a continuous auction without the need of a Market Maker unless necessary under certain circumstances.
Additionally, if companies feel their shareprice has been manipulated due to conspiracy or by an evil entity or the like, they can hire their own Market Maker to provide liquidity for 5k/month.