Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Just An Opinion

I think there are some back seat drivers here who are very scared and are making a lot of assumptions because they are over invested in this risky venture stock.I think it would be wise to hold back the speculative personal attacks before you do more damage than good.We all want what is best for St. Elias Mines and our invested money.I’m pretty sure Lori McClenahan and her team was in control when most of us bought our shares and at that time we thought they were doing a good job.If the drill results were different and we were all in the money we’d be praising her and her poker face ways.I agree there appears to be questionable actions at play within St. Elias Mines and all around it.I don’t know what to believe except for what I know as the proven facts (history, the research from this group and SLI publically release information ~ for the most part).Perhaps some details have been withheld and some facts twisted, but I think it would have been done for the best interest of the company. I don’t think the St. Elias Mines team would drive this company into the ground at the expense of their professional reputation.Lori for one – seems much too proud and clever for that behavior.These people built this company that we bought into and I believe they are our best bet to get us out of this mess.Please don’t add to the problems of SLI at the moment.I suggest the best action all of us ‘long’ investors can take is to remain calm and strong and continue to try and make sense out of what is going on.



Also – I urge our hub leaders to resume enforcing the Agoracom 6 rules.

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