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Message: Re: Lori Needs To Go!

There is a lot of hollering going on here about Lori,some from concerned shareholders and some from bashers that are opportunizing the moment.

It is a very real concern to shareholders and has to be addressed by Lori shortly,this cannot continue in this company. I remain neutral at this time in this situation but in the near future will make a more pronounced decision on where I stand in regards to her actions. I can,t take away the pain we have all endured over the last couple years, but I can say that Lori still may be able to justify her actions to a degree. She most likely can,t redeem herself from what many perceive as shareholder neglect but she could justify her actions if her hands have been severly tied by this being huge and other market aspects. Its her choice and I feel she knows that she has to make some serious decisions in the very near future in regards to the shareholders and this company. We will most likely see this start within the next few days.

I have talked to Lori several times and will remain of the notion, for now, that she is very capable of running this company. I have the hope that unseen to the public eye, there are circumstances that made her act in the manner in which she did. In my short discussions with her, I have seen many strong attributes needed to successfully run a great company. She has it all and it would be a sad thing to see these attributes that are rare, wasted. She has everything she needs to get this company back on track, the attributes,strong shareholders,a professional exploration group, a board of directors that have years of mining,promotion,exchange and market knowledge, and our amazing properties. I hope she utilizes eveyone of these to the fullest extent by understanding exactly what they mean and how powerful of tools they are in the success of this company. This is no time for her to continue on the current path, it has reached the limit.

We have did everything for Lori and this company. We stood up and took everything this market could throw at us and remained strong and have gotten stronger as a result. A remarkable feat and Lori should be very proud of her shareholders and now know that she could take them to war, they are ready. We have supported our sp continuously allowing for PP,s to be done at high prices causing less dilution for every shareholder as well as allowing the sp to be continuously above the strike price of options so that they could be exercised and put money into the pockets of the companies employees, to live on. There are very few venture companies that can boast of this feat.During this whole time in the last year and a half, it seemed that news that could have helped the sp didn,t come out in public releases but in rather less effective routes that didn,t affect the sp to the upside. So, Lori should feel indebted to shareholders to pay back some appreciation in the line of explanations and news that will help get the sp back up there and take this senseless pressure off shareholders that have their family futures at stake. Lori, you told them to believe, we did our part, now please do yours.



Jun 10, 2012 01:38PM
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Jun 11, 2012 04:50PM
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