Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: It Appears--Lori May Get Her Way--With Some Of Us--not all

Hey Folks;

I see from a few of the most recent posts, that at least a couple of you are willing to sell at $1.50 cuz you are doubling your money---or is it because Lori's mind game is working on you??

She fires the only guy that has done SLI any good in Alberta and further east---cuz she can't stand the competition. Not that Murry was competing with her --he just believed (and still does) that the property which is our flagship property, the Tesoro, has the potential to change many peoples lives in a positive way.

Its quite amazing how greed works, you are a pauper one day-- till someone helps you attain your dream, then once you have the dream in your hand, you magically forget your roots. Greed will help you find many self invented excuses to bite the hand that fed you!!

I believe the song "The Snake" by Al Wilson pretty well sums it up, and even though I have defended the Snake in the past, I never believed the Snake would bite the best thing that ever happened to St Elias,--Murry Braucht.

Lets analyse some of the positive things that have happened to our company

SLI does a Titan 24 Survey that shows huge anomolies with sulphides glowing "Brite Red"

SLI increases its claim from 5,000 acres to 17,000 acres

SLI does Bulk Mining with 43101 backed results of close to 1 ounce per tonne

SLI initializes a drill program after sampling a 19 oz per tonne bulk sample

SLI does a massive surface trenching program to prove that a open pit mine is feasible

SLI hires three more geologists to help with drill and trench programs

Quantec states that it is excited about our drill program because it mirrors Red Lake find

Now, lets analyse some negative things that have happened to our company

Hires the most respected Siesmic company in the world (Quantec) then does't listen to them

Paul Grey, geologist, who did the 43101 before our drill program, is no longer with us--Hmmm

Our CEO delays assay and drill results as our share price depletes daily

Our CEO delivers incomplete assay reults two separate times driving ths SP even lower

Our CEO claims at the AGM that she will release drill and trench results at the same time -NOT

We drill cores over 200 meters in depth but only assay and report on .5 meters of its length

Our CEO insinuates that she would rather deal with Wall Street than China

Our CEO gives the VP no information to keep shareholders informed

Our CEO is disrespectfull to shareholders and immigrants in Calgary info meeting

Our CEO fires the VP of our company and our investor relations officer, Murry Braucht

In conclusion, I don't know about you folks, but there sure seems to me that there is something rotten and it aint in Denmark. (maybe Vancouver)

NOBODY is going to scare me out of my shares for a buck and a half and scoop up the rewards we have all been waiting for, and know are there. and of course--we all know ---this is just my opinion---but give it some serious thought---you just may be the proverbial patsy if you sell now or even at a buck and a half or even ten dollars.

Stay Strong --it will pay off in $pades in the long term.


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