"You have to understand that over time Dynacor has changed its website several times, sometimes leaving out this older info. They do mine some of their own gold by the plant by employing local informales."
Websites change over time, yes, but a 600,000 ounce gold resources isn't suddenly considered non-relevant info for a gold company. I'm not saying they don't mine their own gold. I'm sure they do. What I'm saying is they have never defined a 600,000 ounce gold resource. And I believe the fact that they haven't definded a resource is relevant to St. Elias shareholders, just as it would have been relevant if they had defined a resource, as their delineation methods could have been compared to St. Elias's.
"As for the new plant, I don,t see them saying they are shutting down the old one. It is my assumption that they are keeping the old plant, whereas they recently bought more equipment for it, and will eventually run 2 plants, expanding their lucrative business.|
You could very well be right as the wording is unclear. However, when I buy a new car I get rid of my old one. When I buy a second car, I keep the old one. If they intended to run both mills, why don't they say they are building a "second mill" rather than saying they are building a "new mill"?