Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Next week...


I think you bring up some major concerns that all shareholders have on thier minds including myself..and they are VERY fair concerns IMO.

1. Why is Lori selling?

2. What will come from the serious dissention?

3. Why the drills have stopped?

4. Why the lies from management?

I would like to suggest that to fully consider those questions one must consider further questions to get a proper perspective.

1. Why is Lori selling?

- Why is Lori the only one selling and no other insiders including directors?
- Why have a significant chunk of shares been privately disposed of instead of publicly?
- Why now at .18 when there was ample opportunity to liquidate at prices that would have netted much more?
- Where is the floor to

2. What will come from the serious dissention?

- Why does the dissention exist?
- Why has management made no PR/communication effort to calm shareholders during a 94% drop in shareholder value?

3. Why the drills have been suspended?

- Why were the drills not removed from the property as they cost money whether they are operating or not?

4. Why the lies from management?

- What purpose does it serve to tell shareholders that Quantec was intimately involved in the ongoing drill program when they weren't?
- Why would the NR not convey all assay information from the cores and the technical specs used to gather the samples?

These are some (but not all) questions that must be asked in parallel to the valid questions you raised for a shareholder to come to a conclusion of any type.

One thing I would also suggest is that there are 2 key drivers to the success and failure of our company.

1. Geophysics/Geology (If Mother Nature put gold in the ground profitable to mine)

2. Management

Shareholders must understand...Management does not put gold in the ground (thats Mother Natures job)... they only make the decisions that determine if gold that is there will be found.

So in short a shareholder has to decide two things...

1. Has all historical information that has been gathered and presented by SLI and it's partners (ie Quantec) proven conclusively that no minable resource can be found on the Tesoro, Vilcoro, CB or any of the other properties?

2. Has management represented the company and it's shareholders with actions in the best interest of both AND is the current 94% loss from this years high a reflection of prudent management decisions in response to difficult market conditions or poor reactions to those same market conditions.

Once one has considered those two things...

...one can BUY/SELL based on #1

...one can BUY/SELL based on #2

...one can VOTE/NOT VOTE your shares to KEEP/REPLACE management/directors at the next AGM

...one cannot ask Mother Nature to anything she has done all she can for SLI


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