Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE


First off congradulation to the ROG shareholders because I know a bunch of them and there pretty dam happy right now.

Well at the last AGM Lori said if there is somone out there that can do a better job then she can then she will step down


I DARE you to make that statment again !!

And take Jeff with you because he is as much good as tit's on a bore !!


10. Go bug an Immigrant ( digusting coming from a CEO ) ( CC )

9. If anyone can do a better job then me then I will step down ( AGM ) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING THE PAPERS WITH YOU MAKE THAT SAME STATMENT AGAIN THIS YEAR !!!!

8. Has anyone seen my lap top ( after she was just using it 10 seconds ago ) ( Calgary ) guess her lap top had it's own plane ticket because she was 45 mins late because of a plane delay ??? YEAH ? ok then ... I bet you were glad to have Murray there to lie for you on that one.

7. I hired Donald and Paul for there skill in take overs and buy outs when the time comes ( CC ) LOLOLOLOL ... What she meant to say was there Bob's buddies and they do what there told and they don't ask any questions.

6. I fired Murray with Cause ( NR ) .. over 2 months ago and nobody knows the cause and he asked why she lied about using Quantec for the drill program and was told to come Vancouver and was ambushed and fire on the spot.

5. I already knows SLI can be an open pit or under ground mine ( Calgary ) totally against the law to say that with out backing it up with proof according the laws put in place by the BCSC ... has she proved anything ? NOPE ... has the BCSC done anything ??? NOPE .. Talk about misleading shareholders and pumping ...

4. Quantec is on site compiling all the data and trying to find the source. FINE TUNE FINE TUNE FINE TUNE FINE TUNE ... ( Calgary ) .. HOW IN THE HELL ARE THEY DOING THAT CONSIDERING YOU HAVE NOT SPOKEN TO QUANTEC FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS ????

3. Susan Blonde Inc is now part of the SLI ( NR ) .. Lori used our money to hire Susan Blonde and has been with them since before Sept of 2011 on there client list ... WOW there sure doing and amazing job arent they ???? But yet we just find a few weeks ago ..

2. I have assays and I'm not going to show you them nor am I aloud to !! ( Calgary ) then asked " so you do have results then ?? " ... Of course Lori freaks out and says " I never said that DON'T BUT WORDS IN MY WORDS DON'T EVER PUTS WORDS IN SOMEONE ELSE WORDS EVER IN THIS LIFE TIME " .... So again caught on tape saying it then denies it 5 seconds later ??? WTF ...

1. GO GET A NEW HOBBY ( CC ) .... Thanks Lori after all the support your shareholders have given you up to that point. We stood by your side and trusted you and had your back ... Then you use Murray as your fall guy and you try and direct the negitive focus on him and have your followers bash him and his wife on the boards. Then you cut off communications with your Shareholders. Then you use investors money like Conrad Black as your own personal piggy bank. ie 1.6 million in 9 months on promo and travel and were at .14 ... Then you start yelling at people in Calgary saying you could care less what the share price is " wow no doubt Lori hence the .14 " ...

Problem is for myself I can not point out ONE !!! piece of good news in 2012 .. You started off spitting in our face at the begining of the year with that disgusting CC and you still doing it know ...

SO LORI .... At the AGM this year ask yourself ... Do you think anyone can do a better job then you ???? .... Everyone that reads this board can answer that quesion for you !!!!


BTW ... I know there is so much much much more ... These are just some of my fav high lights that have lead us to the new 52 week low today.

JMO ...

OOOO and BCSC ... thanks for stepping in and doing your job ~~~~~ LOL .. what ever

Aug 30, 2012 01:03PM
Aug 30, 2012 02:02PM
Aug 30, 2012 02:04PM

Aug 30, 2012 02:14PM
Aug 30, 2012 03:38PM
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