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Message: Curvy Fashion Show


Unbelievable. It's scary to think how much of my money I put in the hands of this vapid woman. She may have had some sort of merit in her past to get to where she is today, but she has clearly suffered from alcohol-induced brain damage. She probably keeps a drink in front of her at all times so that it's plausible she's just drunk, but it's become obvious over time that this is a permanent condition for her.

I have a sinking feeling the "old Boys Club" may have seen the combination of her delusional self-worth and absolute lack of mental focus, licked their lips and preyed on her like wolves on a lamb. Even this Jeff Grinstein character, who seems to be a half-wit himself, treats her with kid gloves; almost with pity. As long as Lori keeps feeding him stacks of our cash I guess this "fashion guru" will overlook her laughably unfashionable appearance and shameful demeanour that this man is undoubtedly embarrassed by. Just the first few seconds I watched of the guy speaking after her showed such a stark contrast in intellect that I was wondering why she hadn't been wearing a helmet. If I was a betting man, which I am, I would bet the cigarette guy didn't speak a single word about "we all have the same powers and abilities", because he's smart enough to know that's a load of ****.

When all this is said and done with Tesoro, I wouldn't be surprised to see the "old boys" Lori speaks of sitting on a pile of cash while Lori and the rest of us are left wondering what the hell happened.

I sure hope the gold in the ground can pull us out of this, because Lori certainly doesn't have the skill set. Wake up Lori. Focus. You never needed the "old boys club". If the gold is there, then they would need you.


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